Our Mission
We want everyone to have access to trustworthy, expert financial guidance, where cost is not an issue.

Our Story
In looking at the research around financial decision-making, our founding team stumbled upon two facts that we believe could form the basis for a great social impact non-profit:
1) Financial coaching is by far the most effective way to help you make progress on your money.
2) Most people couldn't afford to hire a financial advisor to figure out what they should be focusing on.
We took it a step further and partnered with renowned behavioral economist Dan Ariely and his team at Duke University to come with a high touch, high tech program that makes financial coaching accessible to millions of Americans.
And thanks to the amazing financial advisers (see some of our founding advisers below) who volunteer their time for free, we're able to offer a highly personalized, consumer-friendly program to help you achieve your goals.
Finally, rather than charging to cover our significant infrastructure costs, we decided to go with a donate-what-you-can model. This way, no one is excluded from working with an incredible advisor just because they can't afford it. And if you can't afford to donate anything, that's just fine - you'll receive the same great service as everyone else.

Meet our founding advisers

Want to Volunteer?
Are you a financial adviser who wants an easy, meaningful way to give back?
Would you appreciate a team of support staff to manage the ongoing communications with people seeking financial help, so that you can focus on doing what you do best?
Then you've come to the right place.